

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are very happy to announce that the European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) and the Serbian Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (SSGE) are joining forces and presenting a co-organized conference on endoscopy!

“From Guidelines to Clinical Practice in Endoscopy”

The conference will take place September 28-30, 2018 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, in Belgrade, Serbia. The SSGE, as a member society of the ESGE, is honored to have received the privilege to co-organize this important event.

Over 2 ½ days, the conference will include state-of-the-art lectures, endoscopy guideline presentations, LIVE endoscopy demonstration sessions, and much much more! The invited faculty will include international, regional and local endoscopy experts.

Professor Gralnek and I are honored to co-chair this important and what we believe will be a very informative, evidence-based endoscopy conference. We hope that you will join us in Belgrade for this special event and we look forward to welcoming you in in September!



until 07.09.2018.
until 27.09.2018.
On site registration
Member of ESGE&SSGE22.800 RSD (190€)28.800 RSD (240€)33.600 RSD (280€)
Non member28.800 RSD (240€)36.000 RSD (300€)42.000 RSD (350€)
Fellow in training10.800 RSD (90€)10.800 RSD (90€)10.800 RSD (90€)
Nurses6.000 RSD (50€)6.000 RSD (50€)6.000 RSD (50€)

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We provide expert in organization Conference & Events in a field of Biomedical Science and Industry...

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Karadjordjev trg 34, Beograd-Zemun, Serbia
Activity Code: 8230
Type of activity: Meetings and fairs organizing activities
Identification number: 21254436
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