We are very happy to announce that the European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) and the Serbian Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (SSGE) are joining forces and presenting a co-organized conference on endoscopy!
The conference will take place September 28-30, 2018 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, in Belgrade, Serbia. The SSGE, as a member society of the ESGE, is honored to have received the privilege to co-organize this important event.
Over 2 ½ days, the conference will include state-of-the-art lectures, endoscopy guideline presentations, LIVE endoscopy demonstration sessions, and much much more! The invited faculty will include international, regional and local endoscopy experts.
Professor Gralnek and I are honored to co-chair this important and what we believe will be a very informative, evidence-based endoscopy conference. We hope that you will join us in Belgrade for this special event and we look forward to welcoming you in in September!
Early until 07.09.2018. | Late until 27.09.2018. | On site registration | |
Member of ESGE&SSGE | 22.800 RSD (190€) | 28.800 RSD (240€) | 33.600 RSD (280€) |
Non member | 28.800 RSD (240€) | 36.000 RSD (300€) | 42.000 RSD (350€) |
Fellow in training | 10.800 RSD (90€) | 10.800 RSD (90€) | 10.800 RSD (90€) |
Nurses | 6.000 RSD (50€) | 6.000 RSD (50€) | 6.000 RSD (50€) |
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