2nd EFS Annual Meeting – Belgrade 2022

Date: 3 – 5. NOVEMBAR 2022.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
European Foregut Society (EFS) is the leading association in Europe fostering collaboration and exchange of ideas across disciplines and between clinicians in the management of benign foregut disease and pre-malignancy. Since its beginnings EFS encourages international dialogue, education, and research, assisting in the development of benchmarks that will improve diagnosis, treatment and outcomes for patients with foregut diseases.
This year, EFS is organizing its 2nd Annual Meeting on November 3rd – 5th, in Hotel Crown Plaza, Belgrade, Serbia. The Meeting will be oriented towards all surgeons, upper GI endoscopists, gastroenterologists and ENT physicians dealing with the diseases of the foregut. We are planning to have a large number of renowned invited lecturers and participants from all over the Europe. We are confident that EFS Belgrade 2022 will significantly contribute to a strong EFS platform for further understanding and treatment of the foregut diseases all across the Europe.
On a personal note, we are positive that this EFS Meeting will represent a long awaiting reunion between West and East in the field of foregut diseases, and one cannot think of better place than the confluence of Danube and Sava. Organizing Committee is promising that EFS Belgrade 2022 will be a memorable three days event, as we welcome you with open hearths. We are eager to show you our hospitality, hoping that you will fully enjoy the Congress, Belgrade and Serbia.
Welcome to the 2nd EFS Annual Meeting – Belgrade 2022.
Program at a Glance
Detailed Program